Why Don't You Cry Me a River
Current Mood: Life, for some reason, is busy and fullCurrently Playing: "Cry Me a River" by Michael Buble
It's the beginning of second term and already I have grades to worry about. First quiz is Friday and a 3pg Chem Eng report is due early next week. Trying to get into work mode slowly whether I want to or not.
Firesides is coming to the school newspaper. Students basically submit work, but no one really ever does, so work by the news staff usually goes in, which will mean my poopy drawings will most likely find a spot there. Haha. I made a quick one over my school break, and it's not done nor is it good.
It's only a portion. The lower half just looks awkward so I just cut it off... Hahaha. I'm sure they won't mind. I haven't drawn for a long time now... Uh....
I will never get this one done...